It's All About the Experience!
Cigar! Cigar! is conveniently located behind Eastland Mall on North Congress. Cigar! Cigar! is recognized as one of the nation's finest cigar lounges, with Certified Tobacconists on staff. We carry over 1,200 facings of premium cigars. We are a Drew Estate Diplomat Store, Official Davidoff Dealer, Rocky Patel Partner, Limited Cigar Association Location and a Fuente Top Tier Cigar Shop including Opus X.
We provide free WiFi, humidified lockers available for rent, and three comfortable lounge areas with an excellent filtration system. Our front lounges have a Big Screen HD TV and Entertainment Center so you can watch your favorite programs and sports, or listen to your favorite music while you smoke. Our back lounge has a more relaxed and intimate setting with comfortable seating, TV, conference table and a dart board. We also have a seasonal outdoor patio.
Let our Certified Tobacconists suggest something new to fit your flavor profile from our large selection of premium cigars. We also carry new pipes, estate pipes, and many different types of hard to find pipe tobaccos, including our own house blends! We also maintain a large inventory of cigar and pipe accessories.
Whether you are a novice or an expert, on a budget or after only the finest, Cigar! Cigar! welcomes you. It's all about the experience at Cigar! Cigar! Reader's Choice Platinum Winner!
Store Hours
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 8pm
Sunday: Noon - 5pm
Closed Thanksgiving & Christmas